Back to School Safety: How to Keep Your Family Secure

Posted August 6th, 2024 by SimpliSafe

With the start of the new school year comes a renewed focus on safety, especially for families with children. As parents or guardians, we can’t protect our children from everything, but we can do our best to protect them from what is in our control. 

The problem is, with all the excitement (and chaos) that ensues as back-to-school approaches, it can be hard to remember all the things that can be done to prevent home mishaps, even if safety is top of mind.

The good news is that by understanding common home threats and doing what you can to prevent them, you can get that peace of mind to make going back to school a breeze.

Let’s jump in.

Common Security Threats During Back-to-School 

Before we get into the ways you can keep your family safe, let's discuss some of the common security threats that you may face during this time of year:

“Stranger Danger”: As children head to and from school, they may encounter strangers who pose a threat. It's important to talk to your children about staying safe and avoiding interactions with strangers. If you aren’t able to drop them off and/or pick them up from school on your own, encourage your children to walk to and from school with a friend, if possible, and teach them to be aware of their surroundings and people. 

Traffic safety: Though technology has its benefits, it can also be a major distraction for drivers. Accidents can happen in milliseconds, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Teach your child to be extremely careful when crossing the street, whether it’s on the way to school or playing with friends in the neighborhood when school lets out. 

Cyber Threats: With more kids using technology for schoolwork and socializing, there is a greater risk of cyberbullying and online predators. It's important to monitor your children's online activity and teach them about online safety, such as not sharing personal information and being cautious when interacting with strangers online.

General Home Security: With the house empty for hours at a time during the day, the back-to-school season can be a prime time for burglaries. Never forget to lock the doors and windows, don’t hide keys in obvious places, and talk to your children about locking up, especially when they are home alone. Make sure they don’t share the details of the comings and goings of your household with anyone. And consider installing a home security system to monitor your home when you’re not around. 

Use a Smart Home Security System for Back-to-School Safety

While there are many ways to keep your family safe, a home security system can provide an extra layer of protection. A home security system has benefits no matter the season, however, it is especially useful during back-to-school when families are often on the go. 

A smart home security system gives you the ability to keep the house secure even when you’re away from it, check on household members (especially kids playing outside, waiting for the bus, or are home alone), and with the support of professional monitoring, access urgent help in the event of an emergency. 

SimpliSafe offers a range of security equipment that can help keep your family safe, including:

Outdoor Video Camera: An outdoor video camera allows you to keep an eye on your property from anywhere. It can also can help you monitor kids playing outside or keep an eye on any suspicious activity around your home.

Video Doorbell: SimpliSafe's Video Doorbell allows you to see who's at the door before you open it. This can be especially useful for children who are home alone after school.

Entry Sensors: SimpliSafe's Entry Sensors can be placed on doors and windows to alert you if someone tries to enter your home without permission. This can help you relax, knowing your home is secure while you're away.

Glass Break Sensors: These sensors can detect the sound of breaking glass, alerting you if someone tries to break into your home through a window.

Panic Button: A panic button provides a quick way to call for help in an emergency. If your child feels threatened or unsafe while home alone, they can press the button to immediately contact the monitoring center for assistance.

Extra Alarm Siren: An additional alarm siren can be added to your security system to provide a louder alarm sound, helping to scare off intruders and alert neighbors of a potential break-in.

Additional Tips to Keep Children Safe This Time of Year

Now that you have your home security system set up, what else can you do to best enhance your family’s safety during the back-to-school season?

Try these tips:

Establish a Routine: Stick to a consistent routine to help reduce the risk of unexpected situations. Set specific times for waking up, getting ready for school, leaving the house, and coming home. 

Know Your Neighbors: Some tried-and-true advice is to know your neighbors and your community. Make friends with those who live nearby, and encourage your children to do the same with your guidance and support. It's important to have a network of people you can trust in case of an emergency. A trusted neighbor knowing the routine mentioned above can go a long way. 

Teach Your Children to Be Independent: While it's important to keep your children as safe as possible, it's also important to teach them how to be independent. Teach them basic safety skills in response to the dangers mentioned earlier in this article and all the ways they can protect themselves. This also means educating them about how to use the smart home security system. 

Taking the Next Steps

Danger is present all year round, especially when there are children involved. With that said, the back-to-school season can be a time of heightened concern for parents. Thankfully, with the right precautions and equipment, you can help ensure your family's safety throughout the entire year. In addition to back-to-school shopping, consider adding SimpliSafe to your list. Shop now to get started!